Custom Proxmox Instalation as a Workstation

If you read my other article in this topic Here for Proxmox 5.0 or Here for Proxmox 6.0 after following all the steps you have a fully functional proxmox server installation.
But you might be wondering “Can I use proxmox in my workstation?”.

The answer is “Sure you can, but you might want/need to follow a few extra steps,make sure you install the pve-headers, or else you’ll have problems with packages that need the linux kernel headers.

Install a desktop is easy with tasksel:

tasksel install desktop task-kde-desktop

Add the i386 architecture so steam and wine work properly

dpkg --add-architecture i386

To install bumblebeed just for amd64:

apt install bumblebee-nvidia primus libgl1-nvidia-tesla-glx

And if you added the i386 architerure:

apt install bumblebee-nvidia primus libgl1-nvidia-glx primus-libs:i386 libgl1-nvidia-glx:i386

