As PHP versions 5.6 and 7.0 reach End Of Life you might want to update to something newer and supported, unfortunately the official CentOS repositories don’t have PHP versions 7.1 or 7.2 yet, but with a third-party repository and a bit of fiddling it’s easy to update, and more importantly keep it updated, your server PHP version.
Just run as root:
Continue reading “Install php7.2 CentOS 6.X and 7.X”
Install php7.2 Debian Stretch
As PHP versions 5.6 and 7.0 reach End Of Life you might want to update to something newer and supported, unfortunately the official Debian Stretch repositories don’t have PHP versions 7.1 or 7.2 yet, but with a third-party repository and a bit of fiddling it’s easy to update, and more importantly keep it updated, your server PHP version.
Just run as root:
Continue reading “Install php7.2 Debian Stretch”
Reset MariaDB (Mysql) data directory
If you want an empty and new mariadb installation ( or just want to reset the data dir to a default state ), and don’t want to ‘purge’ the installation first you can do it simply:
First stop your mariadb/mysql server with:
systemctl stop mariadb.service
AWS S3 Backup Guide 2, aws-cli
If you already have aws-cli installed and want to send a file to Amazon S3 it’s really easy:
Sending files ‘by hand’ is all good, but if you are serious about backups you need to automate the process, here is a quick and dirty backup script.
It lists, tars, bzips and individually uploads all the directories under the path you specify o the script.
You just need to set the variables at lines 5, 6, 7 and 8.
Continue reading “AWS S3 Backup Guide 2, aws-cli”
AWS S3 Backup guide 1, bash script
If you don’t have ( or don’t want ) aws-cli installed you can upload files under 5gb with the following script:
# Size limit of 5gb, if you need to upload a bigger file use AWS Cli tools
# $1 Must be the full path of the file
file=$(basename $1)
# S3 authentication information
# as we are uploading a backup the need to be a tar archive
dateValue=$(date -R)
# Signature magic :)
signature=$(echo -en ${stringToSign} | openssl sha1 -hmac ${s3Secret} -binary | base64)
curl -X PUT -T "${file}" -H "Host: ${bucket}" -H "Date: ${dateValue}" -H "Content-Type: ${contentType}" -H "Authorization: AWS ${s3Key}:${signature}" https://${bucket}.${awspath}/${file}
Cloudflare Dynamic DNS
If you want to use and old computer as a dynamic DNS client to update you IP you can easily do it using the Cloudflare API and a Debian minimal install.
First install the API with:
pip install cloudflare
After create a file somewhere with the code bellow, changing lines 105, 109, 110 and 115 as required.
Continue reading “Cloudflare Dynamic DNS”
Setting Enviroment Variables for PHP-FPM with Apache
Once in a while you may want to be able to pass information from the apache server to the php-fpm process, a way of doing it is by using environment variables, you can set them either in .htaccess files or in your virtual host configuration files.
You can set one variable per line as the following in your file of choice:
Continue reading “Setting Enviroment Variables for PHP-FPM with Apache”
Linux Enable KVM guest hypervisors (nested hypervisors)
To check if you can run hosted hypervisors run:
cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested
If it returns ‘Y’ you are good to go, and actually don’t need this article, if it returns ‘N’ you can enable nested virtualization for the current boot
Continue reading “Linux Enable KVM guest hypervisors (nested hypervisors)”
Force apt-get to use IPv4
If you are having problems with apt and IPv6 a temporary solution is to use the option ‘Acquire::ForceIPv4=true’ by appending ‘-o Acquire::ForceIPv4=true’ at the end of the apt command.
apt-get update -o Acquire::ForceIPv4=true
If you want a more permanent solution you can disable the usage of IPv6 with apt altogether with:
echo 'Acquire::ForceIPv4 "true";' | tee /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99force-ipv4
Bad Idea of the day, Disabling VLC root check
Trailing in the deeps of the interwebs, I found an interesting Post, It teaches how to disable the root check for the VLC media player.
As some may know VLC rightfully refuses to run as root, and why you would want to run a video player as root is beyond me, but the post explain in some detail how to use a hex editor to search and alter the call to the ‘geteuid()’ function to a call of the ‘getppid()’ function effectively neutering the root check.
Continue reading “Bad Idea of the day, Disabling VLC root check”