openvpn connect old version 3.2.1 (1180)

If you for whatever reason need an historical version of openvpn connect you are mostly fucked.
but if desperate enough to trust a random site on the internet you can download the binary here.
openvpn-connect- x64 only, you can verify the signature at the wayback machine

openvpn-connect- x64 only, you can verify the signature at the wayback machine

Don’t forget to check that the sha256 signature matches, it is good practice when downloading random binaries from the internet.

You can download the older 3.1.3 version from a less suspicious link at

Special thanks to the Totally not suspicious URL for being the only backup version for download before this post was made.

Configurando IPV6 com a Copel Telecom no PFSense

Se você utiliza os serviços da Copel Telecom e precisa/prefere de mais funcionalidades do que o roteador oferecido por eles, deve ter se deparado com um problema grande, a falta de conexões entrantes no IPv4 e a impossibilidade de se configurar o PFSense para distribuir IPs por IPv6.
Usando alguns tutoriais encontrados na internet você logo descobre que as configurações que parecem funcionar em outros provedores não funciona para Copel Telecom, alguns exemplos citados abaixo:

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Enable(fix) write permissions on a NFS share mounted on Windows 10

One annoying “feature” of the windows 10 NFS client is that by default the anonymous user uid and gid is set to -2, and so you can create new files and directories on your NFS server, but you can’t edit or remove existing files.
To fix it, you can paste the code bellow in a text file and save it with a ‘.reg’ extension, run it and reboot the machine.
Continue reading “Enable(fix) write permissions on a NFS share mounted on Windows 10”